- Privacy Policy

Introduction and General Information

Protecting your data is of the highest priority for At all times, we ensure that your data is used only for creating and using your personal bouldering sessions and optimizing the user experience of the app, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). When using, we use TLS/SSL technology (Transport Layer Security / Secure Sockets Layer), so the data is always encrypted during transmission. All our application servers are located in the European Union and comply with EU data protection regulations. We will not process your data beyond the purposes outlined in this privacy policy.

During registration, you will be asked for your consent for the processing operations described in the privacy policy, which you provide by clicking the checkbox. By giving your consent, you confirm that we may collect, process, and use your personal data to the extent described below. You can also withdraw your consent at any time by simply sending an email to our customer service at Upon request, our customer service can also provide you with information about all data stored about you (in accordance with § 13 Abs. 7 Telemedia Act) and can also delete this data at your request.

§ 1 Responsible Authority and Scope

The responsible authority is GbR, hereinafter also referred to as "provider", "we", or "". Details on the address for service and authorization to represent can be found in the Imprint.

Contact information and responsible party

Responsible for the processing of your personal data is: Gbr

c/o Agirbas

Durachweg 9

85737 Ismaning

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding data protection, please feel free to email us at You can contact our privacy protection officer at

This privacy policy covers the collection and use of personal data when visiting and using all platforms of the provider via internet browsers. Through these offers, the provider enables you to save and track personal progress and achievements in bouldering. The provider also uses personal data for statistical and market analysis purposes. We create anonymized statistics, for example, on sessions, climbing gyms, and routes or app usage to further optimize our offer.

§ 2 Links to Other Websites

Our website may contain links to websites of other providers. We have no influence on the content you are redirected to after clicking on these links and also not on the processing of your data that may be transferred to the third party (e.g., your IP address). Therefore, we cannot assume responsibility for the content of third parties and the processing of this data by third parties.

§ 3 Data Use Without Registration

When you visit the website or app of, we automatically store some basic data about your visit: in particular, the IP address, the pages visited, and the duration of the visit. We use this data to create anonymous statistics about user behavior and frequently used functions to continuously improve our offer. Your IP address is only stored in technical "log files" for a limited period to protect our systems from misuse and fraud.

§ 4 Data Use With Registration

To use all functions of the app, the user must register. During this registration, the email address, a display name (freely selectable, can also be an invented pseudonym), and a password (freely definable) are stored. These data are used to protect the app from unauthorized access. When administering climbing gyms, additional data is collected that is displayed to other users.

We also use your email address for communication: for example, community information and notifications can be sent, as well as service emails from (e.g., satisfaction surveys).Your email address will never be shared with third parties or other companies.

§ 5 Cookies

To offer you the best user experience, we use "cookies" and the so-called "local storage" of your browser. This allows us to store small amounts of data in your browser so that, for example, your changes are not lost when you close your browser or so that you do not have to log in every time. If you do not wish to use cookies or want to delete existing cookies, you can disable or remove them through your browser. You can find information on this in your browsers user guide - feel free to ask us, we are happy to help.

We also use cookies for the services of third-party providers listed under "§ 7 Apps and Websites" below to offer you a better user experience.

§ 6 Apps and Websites


We also use HotJar, a web analytics tool from Hotjar Ltd., to collect and store data for marketing and optimization purposes. Pseudonymized usage profiles can be created from the data. Randomly selected individual visits (without additional personal information, so-called "user attributes") are recorded. This creates a log of mouse movements and clicks with the intention of randomly replaying individual website visits and deriving potential improvements for the website. The collected data will not be used without the separately granted consent of the person concerned to personally identify the visitor of this website and will not be combined with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym. If you do not wish a recording, you can globally disable recording for your currently used browser on all websites that use HotJar under the following link:

§ 7 Right to Information and Other Rights Under the BDSG

Of course, we are happy to provide you with information about the personal data stored about you at any time. At your request, we can also correct, block, or delete your data. You can contact us with these concerns or with declarations of withdrawal at any time at and we will make the changes as soon as possible.

§ 8 Changes to the Privacy Policy

The internet and technical possibilities are constantly evolving. Of course, we will use these new opportunities to support your bouldering journey even better. This may also lead to updates and additions to our privacy policy. We will publish this here.

As of: 01.05.2024